Thursday, 26 March 2009

a documentary

just watching the first 10 minutes of 'pushy parents' on C4.
already i want to thump the golfers dad and the tennis playing lass's dad needs to smoke a joint or have a nice cold beer and relax. im going to get wound up about this for days i can tell. going for a cigarette, will leave a little review after the show is finished.

ps. did watch the show on BBC2 at 8 about the red faced uakari and was thinking about the problems faced by the camera man in trying to capture footage of one of the rarest, most elusive primates in the world.
and the 10 minute piece afterwards about the rabbits on the isle of skomer was a nicely structured 7 minute film about the rabbits taken there in the 16th century by settlers and after they left the rabbits stayed on and are now some of the few cliff dwelling rabbits in the world, sharing the cliffs with puffins and thriving from the relative lack of predators in the area.

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