Wednesday, 2 September 2009

nearly new is nigh? or getting back to uni, the time is coming

ITS early, i have some kind of stomach bug that makes me feel like im being sodomised by a red hot needle every hour or so and uni time is nearly upon us again.
how-bloody-ever my camera has decided to be a bit gay whilst capturing som footage for this fashion vid the other day and i cannot find a half hours worth of footage that the computer says it has captured and wont capture again for some reason. damn the way i end up having to do things. new camera time me thinks. i recokon a good old, reliable sony vx 2000. sod all this high def malarky unless your able to properly make somehting look amazing. by the time everyone gets round to high def, well we all know there will some new tech sitting on the side lines waiting to pick over the remains of HD!

so here i am with a weekend of editing infront of me and i need to spend ages finding each clip and re-capturing and re-logging it, oh the joy.

so anyway, been watching much tv recently? i have and i have been enjoying CSI, i know maybe im a bit late in getting into this but the wire is on so late and well, i dismissed CSI as another US flashy detective show with too big a budget and too little substance to keep me entertained. how i was wrong. however i can go onto BONES now which is exactly the opposite. Kathy Reichs books made into a TV series? when i read that i though wicked. when i watched i was sick, sick with disgust that a tv show like that could be released. it has that guy from buffy in, the one who was a bad vampire then a good one then an angel (or an angle, i cant remember which he turned out to be) and some bird who whilst not being ugly sure isnt pretty and far too young to play temprance brennan (sorry, i enjoy the books and thought the show could really be good) and cannot pull off the socially inept, self consumed brennan at all in my opinion.

so yeah. whilst we are on US imports what about K-Ville? i didnt catch much of it and i couldnt tell what the fuck was going on and when it was set (exactly after katrina, a while after, an alterative universe where katrina didnt hit new orleans a nuclear bomb did?) but i think i will be tuning in again at some point to catch up with and see where it is heading.

anyway im getting imprints in my legs from the lap top and the heat is making my nutsack an unpleasant place to be, why cant they put more efficient fans and colling systems on a lap top? why cant i just open it and clean it and re-lube the fan and preform general maintenance on the bloody thing with out voiding my warrenty?!?!?!?!
oh no going grumpy
peace out

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