Thursday, 26 November 2009


thanks to finalsense i now have a jazzy new looking blog. hope you all like it.

i dont have an i phone however and find this a novel substitute.

i know...

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Now and then... or BSU:TV

hi, i havent posted in a while but thought id drop a quick note on setting up a site for the uni. liquid soap was refused funding by the uni and so we have had to set it up as a student led iniative as an SU society.

with the aim to showcase emergin talent from across the uni, including writers, performers, designers, musicians, media and film students and to offer them the opportunity to better their skills in readiness for emlpoyment.

this seems to be going well with about 20 initial members and more and more people getting involved with recruitment drives planned over the coming weeks.

ive knocked together a logo that will also act as a screen ident and although not final gives an idea of the thing we are trying to do with it.

the website will feature a constant stream of videos and viral advertising of interest to students and also feature an i-player type archive of all programmes featured on the channel.

hopefully we will be able to start producing content and gathering other footage for broadcast come april.

ill try and keep you all posted, cheers